The Reader’s Treasure is a resource for teachers to integrate into the curriculum in order to extend literacy learning for gifted third graders. How? Well, any way that works for you and your students. Here are a few ideas:
If you have a computer station during your literacy centers, your enrolled students can spend their time at the computer completing the Reader’s Treasure activities. Students are able to work through the activities independently. Even after they have successfully won a learning game, it allows them to go back and play again as often as they like.
Often gifted students have already mastered the skills that are being reviewed in a homework assignment. Consider assigning this website instead. Their parents will be able to see what their child has learned which may lead to family talks about the topics.
When time for book talks with your advanced readers is limited, you could start the brainstorming in a brief literacy circle, then allow the students to compose their thoughts and post them on the Reader’s Treasure discussion board to continue the discussion. They will be corresponding with gifted students from other classrooms and schools as well, so it’s a great way to bring in more perspectives.
When your whole class is working on a self-paced, skills-based site, you may find your gifted students move quite quickly through. Rather than repeating the same activities to the point of boredom, your gifted students could move to the Reader’s Treasure.
How often do you hear, “I’m done; now what?” Since the Reader’s Treasure is setup to be self-directed, independent work, you can send them to the computer to play the engaging learning games.
After you use the Reader’s Treasure in your classroom, send your tips to readerstreasurehelp@gmail.com so we can add them to this page!