Tired of boring worksheets? Sick of dull book reports? Wish you could have a serious discussion about an interesting book? If so, then this website is for you. Come explore and discover the Reader's Treasure.
What to expect: Read the thrilling adventure of Kyle and BeeBee in Escaping the Giant Wave by Peg Kehret. Your teacher will assign you a safe username and password during the registration process. Then you may login to readerstreasure.org (student login) and start exploring. When you successfully finish each game, you will earn a key. Once you have earned all three keys, go to Get Connected. Here you will go through a Lightning Learning Module to test how internet savvy you are ;-) Once you've mastered the Internet Safety and Netiquette module, you will gain access to online book talks with other students just like you. When you are all done, there will be a short assessment so you can show off how much you learned. There will also be a survey where you can let me know what you liked and didn't like. You can also share your ideas for ways I can make the website even better. Enjoy!
About the games: The three games are designed to explore characters, vocabulary, and tone/mood from the book. Below is a description of each game.
- What a Character Have you ever played "Guess Who?", you know, the game where you have a name taped to your back and you have to go around and ask people yes and no questions to get clues about who you are? Well, in this game, you are one of the characters in the book. Instead of asking yes and no questions, however, you will "talk" to some vendors at a city park. What you say and how you react can reveal a lot about your character. Use the dialogue as clues to figure out which character from the book you are.
- Art Appeal Time for your inner artist to come out to play! In this game you will see how artists and musicians use different techniques to create the tone/mood of their work. Authors use word choice, sentence length, transitions, and more to create tone/mood in their writing. After identifying the mood of famous artwork or excerpts from classical music, you will then choose which one matches the mood of a passage from the text.
- Novel Games Using just the right word can make all the difference in a text. Words have power. You probably already know that synonyms are words that mean the same. Have you noticed, however, that they may have the same general meaning, they are still a little different? Changing just one word can shift the mood of the whole sentence. Spin the wheel and a sentence appears. Choose the word in the drop-down box that will make the sentence match the mood selected by the spinner.
- Get Connected The Internet makes it possible to connect with people you might never meet face-to-face. After you earn three keys by completing the other games successfully, you will go through the Internet Saftey and Netiquette module. Once you have learned all about being a good digital citizen, you will enter a discussion board. Here you can talk in depth about different topics from the book. You can also start new topics or ask questions to dig deeper until you discover...The Reader's Treasure.
Are you new to online book chats and discussion boards?
Here are some helpful videos to get you started:
Internet Safety: Beth & BJ discuss ways to be safe when chatting online.
Nettiquette: BJ teaches Beth how to participate in an online discussion appropriately.
If you have completed the games and participated in the discussion board, please take a few minutes to complete this 14-question survey.